
We Care...
by knowing the types and signs of child abuse and neglect

Serious Physical Injury

Defined by PA law as: Any recent act or failure to act* which causes nonaccidental serious physical injury to a child under the age of 18 years old. It must cause the child severe pain or significantly impair his/her functioning either temporarily or permanently.

*PA law defines any recent act or failure to act as having occurred within the last two years.

What it could look like:

As you work closely with your group of campers, you notice black and blue marks on the back of the neck of a 6-year-old female camper. You can see that they are long bruises and likely continue to go down her back. You ask her how she got them and she responds, "My mom said I was bad."

Signs of Serious Physical Injury

  • Unexplained bruises or welts on the body
  • Unexplained burns on the body (i.e., cigarette burns, immersion burns)
  • Repeated injuries over a period of time
  • Multiple injuries in various stages of healing
  • Neglected/untreated injuries
  • Wearing extra layers of clothing or clothing that is inappropriate for the weather
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